LeagueLobster API
Please let us know if you need any assistance. The best way to reach out is the help chat on the main site or at help.leaguelobster.com.
To make requests, first obtain an access token, then include it in your request header as Authorization: JWT <your_token>
# Install the command line client
$ pip install coreapi-cli
API View that receives a POST with a user's username and password.
Returns a JSON Web Token that can be used for authenticated requests.
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
username required | |
password required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action access-token create -p username=... -p password=...
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action access-token-logged-in list
divisions > list
List all divisions in an association.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
association_id required |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action association divisions > list -p association_id=... -p page=... -p page_size=...
divisions > create
Add a division to an association.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
association_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
title required | |
rank | Divisions are sorted on this in ascending order. |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action association divisions > create -p association_id=... -p title=... -p rank=...
divisions > read
Retrieve a division in an association.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
division_id required | |
association_id required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action association divisions > read -p division_id=... -p association_id=...
divisions > update
Update a division in an association.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
division_id required | |
association_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
title required | |
rank | Divisions are sorted on this in ascending order. |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action association divisions > update -p division_id=... -p association_id=... -p title=... -p rank=...
divisions > partial_update
Update a division in an association (only modifies fields passed in the request).
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
division_id required | |
association_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
title | |
rank | Divisions are sorted on this in ascending order. |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action association divisions > partial_update -p division_id=... -p association_id=... -p title=... -p rank=...
leagues > list
Return list of all Leagues under the given Association.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
association_id required |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action association leagues > list -p association_id=... -p page=... -p page_size=...
leagues > create
Create a new league under the given Association.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
association_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
name required | e.g. Monday Night Football |
description | Shown to users in League Lists and on registration pages. |
sport | |
association required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action association leagues > create -p association_id=... -p name=... -p description=... -p sport=... -p association=...
leagues > read
Retrieve a league under the given Association.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
league_id required | |
association_id required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action association leagues > read -p league_id=... -p association_id=...
leagues > update
Update a league under the given Association.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
league_id required | |
association_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
name required | e.g. Monday Night Football |
description | Shown to users in League Lists and on registration pages. |
sport | |
association required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action association leagues > update -p league_id=... -p association_id=... -p name=... -p description=... -p sport=... -p association=...
leagues > partial_update
Partially update a league under the given Association.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
league_id required | |
association_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
name | e.g. Monday Night Football |
description | Shown to users in League Lists and on registration pages. |
sport | |
association |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action association leagues > partial_update -p league_id=... -p association_id=... -p name=... -p description=... -p sport=... -p association=...
matches > list
Return a list of all Matches for a given Association.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
association_id required |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action association matches > list -p association_id=... -p page=... -p page_size=...
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
id required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action match read -p id=...
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
week | |
start | remove Timeslot if editing manually |
home_score | |
home_points | |
away_score | |
away_points | |
friendly | not counted in standings |
comment | |
locked | Locks the game when scheduling |
home_forfeit | |
away_forfeit | |
season | |
playoff_fixture | |
home_team required | |
away_team required | |
venue | remove Timeslot if editing manually |
referee | |
assistant_referees |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action match update -p id=... -p week=... -p start=... -p home_score=... -p home_points=... -p away_score=... -p away_points=... -p friendly=... -p comment=... -p locked=... -p home_forfeit=... -p away_forfeit=... -p season=... -p playoff_fixture=... -p home_team=... -p away_team=... -p venue=... -p referee=... -p assistant_referees=...
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
week | |
start | remove Timeslot if editing manually |
home_score | |
home_points | |
away_score | |
away_points | |
friendly | not counted in standings |
comment | |
locked | Locks the game when scheduling |
home_forfeit | |
away_forfeit | |
season | |
playoff_fixture | |
home_team | |
away_team | |
venue | remove Timeslot if editing manually |
referee | |
assistant_referees |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action match partial_update -p id=... -p week=... -p start=... -p home_score=... -p home_points=... -p away_score=... -p away_points=... -p friendly=... -p comment=... -p locked=... -p home_forfeit=... -p away_forfeit=... -p season=... -p playoff_fixture=... -p home_team=... -p away_team=... -p venue=... -p referee=... -p assistant_referees=...
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
id required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action match delete -p id=...
matches > list
Return a list of all Matches for a given Referee.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
referee_id required |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action referee matches > list -p referee_id=... -p page=... -p page_size=...
Return a list of all seasons for current user.
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season list -p page=... -p page_size=...
Create a new season.
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
league_name_input | Provide this to create a new league instance, e.g. "Monday Night Women's Soccer" |
league | ID of an existing league. One of `league` or `league name` is required. |
name required | Season name, e.g. "Spring 2019" |
numweeks required | Number of weeks in your season (excl. off-weeks). |
numgames required | Total number of games per team (excl. playoffs) |
duration_game | Match duration in minutes; default: 60 |
association_name | If creating a new league (by providing league_name and not league), must provide either `association_name` or `association` |
association | see association_name; ignored if league id given |
startdate | datetime; default: today + 2 weeks |
enddate | datetime; default: startdate + numweeks |
tournament | boolean; True to use tournament scheduler; False to use league scheduler (see pricing) |
partner |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season create -p league_name_input=... -p league=... -p name=... -p numweeks=... -p numgames=... -p duration_game=... -p association_name=... -p association=... -p startdate=... -p enddate=... -p tournament=... -p partner=...
Return details for a given season.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
id required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season read -p id=...
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
name required | e.g. Spring 2025 |
startdate | |
enddate | |
numweeks | Enter number of weeks/match days in this season. |
numgames | [optional] Enter number of games each team will play. <br> Only required if you want to generate a schedule with doubleheaders, i.e. more games than weeks. |
duration_game | Time allocation per game IN MINUTES (for scheduling purposes). |
duration_game_display | Duration as displayed to players, e.g. 2 x 25 mins |
order | |
open_registration | leave blank to open right away |
close_registration | leave blank to close on event start date |
max_teams | Registration will be automatically closed when this many teams have registered and paid (or have been manually included in schedule). |
price | |
individual_price | price per player when paying individually |
draft | |
claimed_at | |
modified | |
league required | |
start_weekday | weeks start on |
merchant_account | |
standings | |
settings | |
weekdays | |
venues | |
contacts | Whom to contact with questions |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season update -p id=... -p name=... -p startdate=... -p enddate=... -p numweeks=... -p numgames=... -p duration_game=... -p duration_game_display=... -p order=... -p open_registration=... -p close_registration=... -p max_teams=... -p price=... -p individual_price=... -p draft=... -p claimed_at=... -p modified=... -p league=... -p start_weekday=... -p merchant_account=... -p standings=... -p settings=... -p weekdays=... -p venues=... -p contacts=...
Update only specified fields on a season.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
name | e.g. Spring 2025 |
startdate | |
enddate | |
numweeks | Enter number of weeks/match days in this season. |
numgames | [optional] Enter number of games each team will play. <br> Only required if you want to generate a schedule with doubleheaders, i.e. more games than weeks. |
duration_game | Time allocation per game IN MINUTES (for scheduling purposes). |
duration_game_display | Duration as displayed to players, e.g. 2 x 25 mins |
order | |
open_registration | leave blank to open right away |
close_registration | leave blank to close on event start date |
max_teams | Registration will be automatically closed when this many teams have registered and paid (or have been manually included in schedule). |
price | |
individual_price | price per player when paying individually |
draft | |
claimed_at | |
modified | |
league | |
start_weekday | weeks start on |
merchant_account | |
standings | |
settings | |
weekdays | |
venues | |
contacts | Whom to contact with questions |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season partial_update -p id=... -p name=... -p startdate=... -p enddate=... -p numweeks=... -p numgames=... -p duration_game=... -p duration_game_display=... -p order=... -p open_registration=... -p close_registration=... -p max_teams=... -p price=... -p individual_price=... -p draft=... -p claimed_at=... -p modified=... -p league=... -p start_weekday=... -p merchant_account=... -p standings=... -p settings=... -p weekdays=... -p venues=... -p contacts=...
Delete a given season. Use caution, this cannot be undone.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
id required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season delete -p id=...
divisions > list
List all divisions in a season.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season divisions > list -p season_id=... -p page=... -p page_size=...
divisions > create
Add a division to a season.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
season required | |
division required | |
max_teams | maximum number of teams allowed to register |
number_of_matches | number of matches |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season divisions > create -p season_id=... -p season=... -p division=... -p max_teams=... -p number_of_matches=...
divisions > read
Retrieve a division in a season.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required | |
division_id required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season divisions > read -p season_id=... -p division_id=...
divisions > update
Update a division in a season.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required | |
division_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
season required | |
division required | |
max_teams | maximum number of teams allowed to register |
number_of_matches | number of matches |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season divisions > update -p season_id=... -p division_id=... -p season=... -p division=... -p max_teams=... -p number_of_matches=...
divisions > partial_update
Update a division in a season (only modifies fields passed in the request).
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required | |
division_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
season | |
division | |
max_teams | maximum number of teams allowed to register |
number_of_matches | number of matches |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season divisions > partial_update -p season_id=... -p division_id=... -p season=... -p division=... -p max_teams=... -p number_of_matches=...
divisions > delete
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required | |
division_id required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season divisions > delete -p season_id=... -p division_id=...
matches > list
Return a list of all Matches in the given Season.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season matches > list -p season_id=... -p page=... -p page_size=...
matches > create
Add a Match or list of Matches to the given Season. Accepts either a dict (to create a single Match) or a list of dicts to (create multiple Matches).
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
week | |
start | naive datetime |
home_score | |
home_points | |
away_score | |
away_points | |
friendly | set True to exclude game from standings |
comment | |
locked | Locks the game when scheduling |
home_forfeit | |
away_forfeit | |
season required | needs to match URL |
playoff_fixture | |
home_team required | |
away_team required | |
venueavail | |
venue | remove Timeslot if editing manually |
referee | |
assistant_referees |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season matches > create -p season_id=... -p week=... -p start=... -p home_score=... -p home_points=... -p away_score=... -p away_points=... -p friendly=... -p comment=... -p locked=... -p home_forfeit=... -p away_forfeit=... -p season=... -p playoff_fixture=... -p home_team=... -p away_team=... -p venueavail=... -p venue=... -p referee=... -p assistant_referees=...
matches > delete
Delete all Matches in the given Season.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season matches > delete -p season_id=...
standings > list
Return standings data for a given Season, grouped by Division and Group/Pool.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
id required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season standings > list -p id=...
team > read
List all teams in the given season.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required | |
team required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season team > read -p season_id=... -p team=...
team > update
Update a team's division and/or group.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required | |
team required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
team | Team ID passed in URL, no need to pass again in request |
name | Team name |
division_name | Division name. Ignored if division ID is passed. Will use existing division if found in season's association, otherwise creates a new division. |
group | Group (pool) ID |
division | Division ID |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season team > update -p season_id=... -p team=... -p team=... -p name=... -p division_name=... -p group=... -p division=...
team > partial_update
Update a team's division and/or group (pass season id and team id and the new division id or division name and or the new group id).
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required | |
team required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
team | Team ID passed in URL, no need to pass again in request |
name | Team name |
division_name | Division name. Ignored if division ID is passed. Will use existing division if found in season's association, otherwise creates a new division. |
group | Group (pool) ID |
division | Division ID |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season team > partial_update -p season_id=... -p team=... -p team=... -p name=... -p division_name=... -p group=... -p division=...
team > delete
Remove a team from a season. The team itself will not be deleted, so it will still be available in any other seasons it may be attached to.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required | |
team required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season team > delete -p season_id=... -p team=...
teams > list
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season teams > list -p season_id=... -p page=... -p page_size=...
teams > create
Add a team (dict) or list of teams (list of dicts) to a season.
- passing team_id uses existing team and updates team name if different
- passing team_name without team_id creates a new team
- returns team.id - store this for future use
- passing a division id will use an existing division and include it in the season if it isn't already
- passing a division name without an id will create a new division and include it in the season
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
team | Team ID passed in URL, no need to pass again in request |
name | Team name |
division_name | Division name. Ignored if division ID is passed. Will use existing division if found in season's association, otherwise creates a new division. |
group | Group (pool) ID |
division | Division ID |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season teams > create -p season_id=... -p team=... -p name=... -p division_name=... -p group=... -p division=...
venues > list
Get the related items of a season.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season venues > list -p season_id=... -p page=... -p page_size=...
venues > read
Get the related items of a season.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required | |
item_id required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season venues > read -p season_id=... -p item_id=...
venues > create
Add related items to a season.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required | |
item_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
ids required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season venues > create -p season_id=... -p item_id=... -p ids=...
venues > delete
Remove related items from a season.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
season_id required | |
item_id required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action season venues > delete -p season_id=... -p item_id=...
Lists all Teams for all of the user's Associations.
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action team list -p page=... -p page_size=...
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
team required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action team read -p team=...
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
team required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
team | Team ID passed in URL, no need to pass again in request |
name | Team name |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action team update -p team=... -p team=... -p name=...
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
team required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
team | Team ID passed in URL, no need to pass again in request |
name | Team name |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action team partial_update -p team=... -p team=... -p name=...
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
team required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action team delete -p team=...
matches > list
Return a list of all Matches for a given Team.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
team_id required |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action team matches > list -p team_id=... -p page=... -p page_size=...
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action venue list -p page=... -p page_size=...
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
name required | |
address | |
city | |
state | |
zipcode | |
country | |
info | e.g. venue website |
order | Venues are sorted on this in ascending order. |
position | drag the pin to the approximate position of the entrance |
associations |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action venue create -p name=... -p address=... -p city=... -p state=... -p zipcode=... -p country=... -p info=... -p order=... -p position=... -p associations=...
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
id required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action venue read -p id=...
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
name required | |
address | |
city | |
state | |
zipcode | |
country | |
info | e.g. venue website |
order | Venues are sorted on this in ascending order. |
position | drag the pin to the approximate position of the entrance |
associations |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action venue update -p id=... -p name=... -p address=... -p city=... -p state=... -p zipcode=... -p country=... -p info=... -p order=... -p position=... -p associations=...
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
name | |
address | |
city | |
state | |
zipcode | |
country | |
info | e.g. venue website |
order | Venues are sorted on this in ascending order. |
position | drag the pin to the approximate position of the entrance |
associations |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action venue partial_update -p id=... -p name=... -p address=... -p city=... -p state=... -p zipcode=... -p country=... -p info=... -p order=... -p position=... -p associations=...
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
id required |
# Load the schema document
$ coreapi get https://scheduler.leaguelobster.com/api/docs/
# Interact with the API endpoint
$ coreapi action venue delete -p id=...