Canandaigua Summer Classic 2022

  • July 28 – 31, 2022
  • Six fields, three divisions, one monster tournament!
  • General Information

    • Results will be posted on the CJB website, link will be shared with all coaches.
    • Prizes will be awarded to the first and second place teams in both divisions.
    • The Canandaigua Jr Baseball facilities does not permit the use of alcohol or tobacco.
    • The concession stand on site will be open for all games (cash or credit cards).
    • Batting cage is available for use on a first come first serve basis, but teams are asked to limit use to 5 pitches per player to allow equitable access.
    • All bats will be allowed (i.e., USA Bat, 2 ¼, 2 ¾, wood or Big Barrell). BBCOR bats are not allowed.

    Sportsmanship & Officiating

    • Only the Registered Head Coach may discuss rules with umpires or tournament officials.
    • Coaches and spectators should direct their comments to their own players. Each coach must make every effort to control the action of their teams’ fans.
    • Comments should remain positive and reflect good sportsmanship.
    • Tournament Officials reserve the right to disqualify and/or eject a player, fan, coach, or team for conduct unbecoming a youth sports organization. 


    • Rosters must be submitted during online registration and a printed copy with each coach to turn in at your first game to a CJB staff member onsite (concession stand).
    • A player can only be rostered on one team in the tournament, regardless of age qualification (i.e., an 8U-elligible player cannot play on both an 8U and 10U team in the same tournament).

    Pool Play

    • All teams will play three games during pool play within their respective division (upper/lower). Based on the number of participating teams, there may be one crossover game between divisions.
    • During pool play games, no inning can start more than 1 hour 45 minutes after first pitch (1:30 for 8U). There are no time restrictions for playoff games.
    • CJB will provide game tracking sheets for each matchup. HOME TEAM COACH MUST provide final score and pitcher info (where applicable) via tracking sheet signed by both coaches to tournament officials at the Concession Stand.


    • On Sunday, teams will advance to play in single elimination format.
    • Teams will be seeded based on W/L record.
    • Tie breakers will be handled in the following order: head-to-head, runs allowed, coin flip.
    • There is no mercy rule outside of pool play.

    8U Tournament

    General rules and information for teams at the 8U travel level.


    • Each player must be age eligible (no more than 8 years old as of April 30).
    • 8U games to be played on homerun-friendly fields.
    • Home and Away is determined by coin flip during pool play
    • The pitching machine will be set up by the umpire/Tournament officials. If the speed/accuracy of the machine needs to be changed during play, either coach can work with the umpire/Tournament director to change or re-calibrate the machine during play. Any ball hit by batter that contacts the machine or its operator is considered a dead ball and the hitter gets 1st base and the runner(s) advance one base. Each team shall provide one coach to operate the pitching machine if the umpire does not.
    • Each batter will receive 5 pitches. A batter can strike out. A batter can only record a strike by a swing resulting in a foul or miss. If the 5th pitch is fouled off or an errant pitch (umpire judgment), the batter is still alive for another pitch. Foul balls keep the batter alive.
    • No walks (intentional or otherwise) will be allowed.
    • No infield fly rule in effect.
    • No advancing (tagging up) on a caught fly ball.
    • Runners can advance at their own risk until the ball is in the infield and under control. Runners may not advance beyond the base they were running towards when a defensive player gains control of the ball in the infield. On any overthrow where the ball stays in play, the runner may advance one base at their own risk; however, the runner cannot advance any further on a second overthrow. On an overthrow where the ball goes out of play, the runner will get the base they are going to plus one more base.
    • No bunting.
    • No leading off and no stealing of bases. Runners must stay on the base until the ball is hit.
    • A complete game shall be six (6) completed innings unless the home team leads at the end of 5½ innings of play.
    • An official game must be at least four (4) complete innings (3½ if home team is winning).
    • There is a 6-run limit for each inning. No run limit for the 6th inning. If there is a tie game, the game will go into extra innings as long as time limit has not been exceeded (no run limit in extra innings).
    • If a team is winning by 10 runs or more after 4 complete innings (3½ if home team is winning), or 8 runs after 5 complete innings (4½ if the home team is winning) the game is over.
    • Any ball thrown that gets lodged or goes under the fence is a dead ball and the runners will advance one extra base without being put out (one plus one rule if runners are advancing on a thrown ball). If the umpire does not see the ball lodged or go under the fence it remains live, so be sure to have your players notify the umpire prior to retrieving the ball by raising a hand.
    • Player must slide feet first at home if there is a play at the plate; Each team will receive one warning on this rule. A second offense it will be an automatic out if the player does not slide or slides headfirst.

    10U Tournament

    General rules and information for teams at the 10U travel level.


    • Each player must be age eligible (no more than 10 years old as of April 30).
    • Home and Away is determined by coin flip during pool play
    • There will be a 6 run limit in play in all games with a “Plus 1” rule for the team trailing. This means thatif a team is trailing by more than 6 runs they can score unlimited runs equal to plus 1 of the winning teams score. The score stops at plus one regardless of how that run is scored. If a team is winning by 10 runs or more after 4 complete innings, or 8 runs after 5, the game is over.
    • The mercy WILL NOT be in effect for final games.
    • Tie games are ALLOWED for pool play games.
    • Players must slide feet first at all bases if there is a play and only headfirst if retreating to a base, it will be an automatic out if the player does not slide when there is a play.
    • Any ball pitched or thrown that gets lodged or goes under the fence is a dead ball and the runners will advance one extra base without being put out (one plus one rule if runners are advancing on a thrown ball). If the umpire does not see the ball lodged or go under the fence it remains live, so be sure to have your players notify the umpire prior to retrieving the ball by raising a hand.
    • Stealing of all bases is allowed once the ball has crossed the plate.
    • Base runners will be returned to the base from which they came if they leave early on a pitched ball.
    • On a batted ball the runners will be returned to the closest vacant base, if they leave too early.
    • No runner can score if they leave the base too early on an infield hit.
    • First violation will result in a team warning, and the player will return to original base. Additional violations by the same team will result in an automatic out.
    • Dropped 3rd strike is not in effect.
    • Infield Fly Rule will be in effect.
    • Bunting is allowed, cannot swing away after showing bunt.
    • Throwing a bat constitutes a team warning. The next team thrown bat will be a dead ball and an automatic out.


    • A pitcher may not pitch more than 2 innings (or 6 consecutive outs) per game.
    • A pitcher cannot pitch more than 12 innings for the entire tournament.
    • Each team will record the number of innings pitched by each pitcher in their scorebook. In the event of any issues arising this will be what is referenced in any action taken.
    • Pitchers may not re-enter as a pitcher.
    • Only 1 visit per inning to the mound by the coach is allowed. Any additional visits will result in the pitcher being removed immediately.
    • The pitcher will be allowed only 5 warm-up pitches between innings, unless a new pitcher is inserted, new pitcher will have up to 10 warm-up pitches.
    • There are no balks.


    • You may carry as many as 16 players on the roster. You MUST field a minimum of 8 players at the start of any game, or the game will be considered a forfeit.
    • Each team can only field 9 players, unlimited substitutions.
    • All teams will use a continuous batting order and bat all players that attend the game, only exception is injury. In the event of an injury, the player will be removed from the lineup and cannot return to play. This will not count as an out when that spot comes back up to hit.

    12U Tournament

    General rules and information for teams at the 12U travel level.


    • Each player must be age eligible (no more than 12 years old as of April 30).
    • Home and Away is determined by coin flip during pool play
    • If a team is winning by 12 runs or more after 4 complete innings, or 8 runs after 5, the game is over.
    • The mercy WILL NOT be in effect for final games.
    • Tie games are ALLOWED for pool play games.
    • Players must slide feet first at all bases if there is a play and only headfirst if retreating to a base, it will be an automatic out if the player does not slide when there is a play.
    • Any ball pitched or thrown that gets lodged or goes under the fence is a dead ball and the runners will advance one extra base without being put out (one plus one rule if runners are advancing on a thrown ball). If the umpire does not see the ball lodged or go under the fence it remains live, so be sure to have your players notify the umpire prior to retrieving the ball by raising a hand.
    • Stealing of all bases is allowed at any time.
    • Dropped 3rd strike in effect, Catcher to tag hitter or throw to first for the out.
    • Infield Fly Rule will be in effect.
    • Bunting is allowed, cannot swing away after showing bunt.


    • A pitcher may not pitch more than 3 innings (or 9 consecutive outs) per game.
    • A pitcher cannot pitch more than 12 innings for the entire tournament.
    • Each team will record number of innings pitched by each pitcher in their scorebook. In the event of any issues arising this will be what is referenced in any action taken.
    • Pitchers may not re-enter as a pitcher.
    • Only 1 visit per inning to the mound by the coach is allowed. Any additional visits will result in the pitcher being removed immediately.
    • The pitcher will be allowed only 5 warm-up pitches between innings, unless a new pitcher is inserted, new pitcher will have up to 10 warm-up pitches.
    • 1 balk warning per pitcher.


    • You may carry as many as 16 players on the roster. You MUST field a minimum of 8 players at the start of any game, or the game will be considered a forfeit.
    • Each team can only field 9 players, unlimited substitutions.
    • All teams will use a continuous batting order and bat all players that attend the game, only exception is injury. In the event of an injury, the player will be removed from the lineup and cannot return to play. This will not count as an out when that spot comes back up to hit.

    Terms & Conditions of Team Participation

    • Registered Head Coach agrees to provide proof of insurance on or before the tournament start.
    • Registered Head Coach agrees to provide copies of players' birth certificates on or before the tournament start.
    • Registered Head Coach understands participation is subject to any applicable state, local, and league guidelines related to COVID-19 prevention.
    • Registered Head Coach understands that tournament registration fees are subject to change at any time and are non-refundable and non-transferrable. 
    • Registered Head Coach understands that where health and safety are at issue, at the discretion of Canandaigua Junior Baseball, tournament activities may be cancelled or postponed at any time due to inclement weather or other unanticipated circumstances of a serious matter as they arise with no refund provided.
  • Event Map