Riverland Sapsasa Football Carnival 2020

  • Sierpień 7, 2020
  • Australian Rules Football Carnival
  • Football District Carnival Rules 2021 1. PLAYING TIME: The game shall consist of two 15 minute halves, with a 5 minute half time changeover. 2. START OF PLAY: a) The game shall be started by a ball-up between two players in the centre of the ground. b) Any two players may contest the ball-up. c) A player may not grab the ball at ball-ups and play on. He must knock, palm or punch the ball to a team mate or open ground, and may not play the ball again until it has either been touched by another player or hits the ground. (Full possession rule) d) No more than 4 players from each team shall be closer to the ball-up than approximately 20 metres. 3. AFTER A GOAL: Play is restarted as in Rule 2. 4. SCRIMMAGE: a) Where a scrimmage develops the umpire shall stop play and call a ball-up. b) Full possession at the ball-up is not permitted. 5. OUT OF BOUNDS: a) When the ball goes out of bounds from a kick, a kick in shall be awarded to the nearest opponent. b) If there is doubt as to which team kicked the ball out of bounds, the umpire shall throw the ball up 5 metres in from the boundary. c) When the ball goes out of bounds off hands or body, the umpire shall call a ball-up 5 metres in from the boundary. d) Full possession at the ball-up is not permitted. 6. TACKLING: Normal tackling rules for 12 year olds apply. No sling tackles permitted. 7. MARK: Any player catching a ball directly from the kick of another player provided the ball has travelled at least 15 metres shall be awarded a mark. 8. BOUNCING THE BALL: A player in possession may bounce the ball only once. He must then dispose of it by hand or foot and may not touch the ball again until it has been touched by another player. 9. KICKING OFF THE GROUND: A player is not permitted to deliberately kick the ball off the ground. 10. ORDER-OFF RULE: To be applied. The period of the penalty may be left to the umpire's discretion or for a specific time determined by the Controlling Body (10 mins.). Particular attention should be paid to penalising the use of bad language or the questioning of umpire's decisions. 11. STAYING IN POSITION: To stop congestion or where the integrity of the game is threatened, players can be instructed by the umpire to return to their correct positions. 12. COACHES: Coaches are not permitted on the ground during the course of a game. Runners may be used to deliver messages / hydration. 13. SPIRIT OF THE GAME: At the end of the game all players and coaches to gather together on the ground and shake hands - a visual demonstration of the spirit in which the game is played. The umpire may also take this opportunity to address the players. 14. COMPETITION LADDER: 2 points will be awarded for a win, and 1 for a draw, with the team on the most points after their four matches declared the winner of the carnival. If two teams finish level, the team with the greatest differential between their points for and against will win. 15. PLAYER OF THE CARNIVAL: Umpires will give out 3, 2 and 1 votes for each match for the carnival. They will be added up throughout the day so that a player of the carnival can be awarded. 16. KICK OUTS: Kick outs will be as per the old rules. Players can not run out of the square with the ball unless they kick to themselves.  Covid-19 Guidelines: All coaches must have completed the Covid safe infection control training at https://www.health.gov.au/resources/apps-and-tools/covid-19-infection-control-training#registration. Coaches and event organisers will follow all Covid safe procedures as per the attached posters and checklists.