O nas 2021 Maryland District 2 Little League Baseball and Softball

Maryland District 2 (MD-2) Little League Baseball, Softball and Challenger programs are located in Frederick, Carroll, Montgomery, Howard and Baltimore Counties in Maryland. We offer Little League BASEBALL and SOFTBALL along with CHALLENGER for 4 to 16 year olds.

For the 2019 regular season, MD-2 of more than 4,500 players, 275+ Teams across 10 different Leagues in Central Maryland. These Little Leagues include:
Brunswick, Railroaders, East Frederick, Frederick National, Frederick American, Montgomery County Upper (Germantown), Montgomery County Lower (Bethesda/Silver Spring), Mountain Valley, Four County, Thurmont and Frederick County Challenger Division.

MD-2 is run by our District Administrator (D.A.), Mr. Anthony (Tony) Russo. Mr. Russo is an experienced volunteer with nearly 4-decades of consecutive volunteer support. He is elected by the constituent leagues to counsel, direct, and provide leadership in the policies and rules of the Little League program and to serve as liaison between the leagues and the Regional Director. At the present time, there are 10 Assistant District Administrators (ADA's) who equally support baseball and softball operations in MD-2 throughout the year.

During the 27th Little League International Congress in New Orleans, Little League International tasked all a District Administrators (D.A.), with its most reinforcing the “District Administrator Standards for Exceptional Leadership and Volunteer Service.”

These standards focus on three primary goals:

1. To continue to enhance the service to local Little League programs, communities, volunteers, and families.
2. To identify areas of improvement needed for the District level as a whole.
3. To work to overcome deficiencies with concentrated improvement strategies, or deem those unwilling to remediate ineligible for the position.

Parents are strongly encouraged to become involved in Little League and after completing a Little League volunteer application and passing a required national background check, parents may become involved in practices, and be eligible as coaches, managers, umpires, local league board members and other volunteer positions within the league.

See you at the ball field!

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