
9/7 PCO "JUST PLAY'N" 3gg 2024 PCO Fall Tournament

$40 per team (must contact TD for payment options)
3 - Game Guarantee ( No Bracket)
60 minute game with finish the batter
Refund option is closed once schedule is posted
(Refund Exception: Inclement weather cancellation by park administrator)
Note: Scrimmage style event. No placement awards, each team will be entered into a drawing for team door prizes - one winner per age group (hitting net, coach's bucket with practice balls, game balls, etc.) All players will receive a concession drink ticket.

2024年9月7日 - 2024年9月7日
3 games of 60min Finish Inning
Putnam City Optimist Girls Softball
Wade Hart – // (405)203-3457
注册已关闭 2024年9月3日 15:32

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