Try Hockey 2022 Try Hockey

  • 十一月 21 – 28, 2022
  • What/Who:
    • Try ice hockey event at Young Arena on Saturday afternoon
    • October 21st from 1:30-3:00pm
    • For adults (18+) interested in trying ice hockey for free

    • Wear loose fitting athletic clothing – pants and long sleeves
    • Arrive at 1:30pm to sign in and get equipment/skates fitted
    o Free skate rental from Young Arena
    o You can also wear your own equipment/skates

    What to Expect:
    • Drill stations – skating, passing, puck handling, shooting
    • Scrimmage
    • Coaching

    Limited Equipment Provided:
    • Helmet
    • Shin pads
    • Elbow pads
    • Composite or wood stick
    • Gloves
  • 活動地圖