Spooky Spikes 2023 (3rd-6th Grade) - 7th Annual
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Embed the schedule on your website. Put this code where you want the schedule to show:
<div id="ll-schedule-embed" data-schedule-id="1445724" data-language-code="en"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//scheduler.leaguelobster.com/static/embed.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//scheduler.leaguelobster.com/static/embed.js"></script>
RSVP, Team Chat, Calendar Feeds
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Team Pages
Our team pages with automatic match invites and reminders (RSVP), and team chat make managing a team easy as pie. -
Calendar Feed
Synchronize games to your calendar. Players can filter to only sync their team's games. Click the calendar feed button on the Public Schedule page.
- Team 1
- [1st Best 2nd]
- [1st Best 3rd]
- [2nd Best 2nd]
- [2nd Best 3rd]
- [3rd Best 2nd]
- [3rd Best 3rd]
- [4th Best 2nd]
- [4th Best 3rd]
- [5th Best 2nd]
- [5th Best 3rd]
- Ballers (Towner) 5
- Beechwood Barbies (Dean/Collett) 4
- Beechwood Barbies (Dickman) 5
- Beechwood Barbies (Stamm/Best) 3
- Beechwood Barbies II (Collett) 4
- Beechwood Volley Barbie (Hatridge) 5
- BSS (Adams) 4
- BSS (Anderson) 3
- BSS (Conkin) 4
- BSS (Thomas) 6
- BSS (Zerhusen) 4
- Crusaders (Kuhn) 6
- Hits & Giggles (Schalk/Sieg) 6
- IHM (Aytes) 3
- IHM Saints (Haddad) 4
- IHM Saints (Heath) 3
- IHM Saints (Pass/Daniels) 5
- IHM Saints(McCormack/Troutt) 6
- Jumping Jesters (Preston/Lackmeyer) 6
- MQH (Bonfilio) 5
- MQH (Gartner) 4
- MQH (Spaulding) 5
- Pride Lady Lions (Hendrix/Goodwin) 6
- Rainbow Skittles (Heller) 4
- SJS CS (Hamby) 6
- SPX (Enzweiler/Kennedy) 5
- SPX (Janszen) 3
- SPX (Mezger/Farro) 3
- SPX (Mitchell/Burgheim) 3
- SPX M&Ms (Creed/Miller) 6
- SPX Spiders (Barrett) 6
- St Agnes Boo Squad (Hoffer/Menetry) 3
- St Agnes Candy Cats (McNeely/Bosse) 5
- St Agnes Pumpkin Spikes (Lindloff) 6
- St Agnes Skeletons (Garrison/Finke) 4
- St Henry (Haglage/Franks) 4
- St Henry (Scheper/Pollard) 6
- St Henry (Thomas) 3
- St Henry (Voelker/Geisen) 5
- St Joes CS (Abeln) 4
- St Joes CS (Becker) 4
- St Joes CS (Grace) 5
- St Joes CS (Hammersmith) 3
- St Joes CS (Shearer) 5
- St Joseph CS (Schmitz) 6
- St Pius (Blau/Lonneman) 4
- St Pius (Capannari) 4
- St Pius (Schmitz/Bain) 4
- St Timothy (Pinnick) 6
- St Timothy Thunder (Ryan) 4
- Stars (Niehaus/Rauch) 6
- Sugar and Spikes (Zimmer) 5
- TEAM 2
- Villa Madonna (Bennet) 5
- Villa Madonna (Magee) 4
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