About Papamoa FC

Papamoa Football Club started in 1995, and became an Incorporated Society in 1997. The clubs primary focus is to foster, encourage, and promote football activities within the Papamoa region.

The club has grown strongly over the past 25 years, along with the population of Papamoa, and in the 202 year had over 753 playing members which would put us in 2nd in terms of size in the Bay of Plenty.

We are now also the 3rd largest club in the WaiBop Federation.

Papamoa Football Club is one of the fastest growing in New Zealand, and the largest code by number of members based at Gordon Spratt Reserve.

Over recent years and with the substantial growth the club has become successful across several grades.


King's Birthday Tournament


Papamoa FC is delighted to confirm that our annual boys' and girls' tournaments will be back for 2024!

Our King's Birthday Tournament will feature boys 8th, 10th, and 12th grades and girls U10 and U14 grades.

The tournament will take place on Sunday 2nd June. The first games will start at 9.30am.

July 7

Papamoa FC July Junior Tournament


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