Simple Online Registration
Create a simple sports signup page in minutes.
Signing up for your league or tournament should be easy! With LeagueLobster you can give your players and/or teams a convenient and easy way to register and pay online.
Our customizable registration forms let you collect all the info you need, including file uploads, waivers, shirt sizes, favorite pizza toppings, you name it.
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Get a customizable homepage for your league.
All your upcoming, current, and past events in one place.
Connect your .com or other domain and look professional instantly.
Did you know you could set up your own .com domain for as little as a couple bucks a month? Check availability and get your .com for just $8.88 with Namecheap
We make it easy to connect your domain and create a good-looking landing page to make you look like a pro! You can even just use our standard template (see screenshot below) without having to get creative. Just upload a logo, pick a color scheme, write a quick about us paragraph, maybe upload a custom picture (we recommend Unsplash for free, professional photos if you don't have any of your own just yet).

Accept credit cards, Apple Pay, and Google Pay with Stripe Checkout!
Effortlessly accept credit cards, Apple Pay and Google Pay with Stripe Checkout. Streamline the registration process and increase sign-ups with secure and user-friendly payments.

Keep track of all your registrations and payments in one place.
Create a schedule easily – without having to re-enter your teams.
Your registrations are fed directly into our top-rated schedule maker, so you won't waste time transfering data from one system to another while minimizing any potential for mistakes.
Our schedule generator makes it easy to create straightforwards schedules and is able to handle everything from requests for early or late starts, travel time between venues, coaches (or players) with mulitple teams and much more!
We have an excellent ( 4.7 stars from 75 reviews ) rating on Trustpilot for a reason!