Welcome to
Pickleball Leagues 

 League Info:

  • All Leagues are Doubles (two players)
  • Leagues are scheduled 6 weeks plus a tournament (in rare circumstances one week may be taken away and given a bye)
  • Cost of the league is $150 per team – including all taxes/fees for two players
  • Play 2 teams each night. Games are to 11, best 2 out of 3 (30 minute time limit). You will play for about an hour each night, and sometimes have to wait one game in between your two games
  • Paddle Rental is $3 per day
  • Refund Policy: Email pickleball@minneapoliscider.co to cancel your league registration (please include your league and team name). Requests within 48 hours of your initial registration will receive a 100% refund. After 48 hours, requests will receive a refund if the spot is able to be filled by another team from the waitlist. Requests received after registration has closed and schedules have been created are not eligible for a refund.


League Types:

  • Men's League: Two men
  • Women's League: Two women
  • Beginner's League: Two men, two women, or a mix!
  • Mixed League: One man, one woman
    All are welcome at Mpls Cider - if you identify as nonbinary, please choose the league that you feel most comfortable selecting.
  • Open League: Any combination of men or women
  • Beginner Leagues: A great way to get into the sport. Intended for folks who have never played in our leagues before.
  • Social Leagues: A more casual, fun league. Great for newer or experienced players to enjoy and grow in the sport. It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game.
  • Competitive Leagues: For competitive/experienced players to test their skills and improve their game. Winning isn't everything... it's the only thing. These leagues have a suggested skill rating (ex. 3.5) - If you're unsure what skill level you are please use this as a guide to rate yourself:  https://usapickleball.org/tournaments/tournament-player-ratings/player-skill-rating-definitions/

 Tax Language (please disregard): 50% of the associated team fees are to be allocated towards expenses related to organizing and operating the league. The other 50% of the fees are for charges for the use of the athletic facility.

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