Game Rules

Coed Flag Football

  • 8-on-8, fifteen-person roster.
  • No blocking

Game Length (Time)

  • 40-minute game played over two 20-minute halves.
  • Offensive play-clock is 25 seconds starting after ball is spotted, 40 seconds after extra-point/conversion attempts or change of possession.
  • Running clock throughout the duration of the game. At the end of each 20 minute half there will be 7 untimed plays (the play-clock is still active)
  • Field is divided into five 20-yard cones, and first downs are awarded each time the offense reaches the next cone.

The game clock and plays will be maintained by the referee. During each half the clock will run continuously unless there is an official stop time or a timeout is called by either team.  During the 20 minute halves the game clock will run continuously except during time-outs, serious injuries and/or disputed calls, as judged by the referee.

Each team is permitted two (2), thirty (30) second timeouts per half. After each timeout, the referee will signal the start of play clock play may resume at any time after that signal. Note: The referee will announce the end of the timeout and verify that both sides are ready for play.

Halftime will be five (5) minutes, time permitting.

Games will start no later than five (5) minutes past the scheduled game time. Note: If the first game ends after the next game’s “scheduled”, game, it is the commissioner’s responsibility to ensure no more than a five (5) minute delay between game end and start times.


Referees will not be able to make every call during gameplay, however, the intention is to make a consistent ruling.  

After each game, the team Captain/Coach can notify Commissioners of any grievances in regard to a referee

Games will have a minimum of two (2) referees assigned or a maximum of four (4)

Referees will spot the ball at the approximate location of the ball carrier’s HIPS when a flag is pulled, or the foot crosses the boundary line.

Catches are based on the perception of the referee with at least 1 foot inbounds.

Referees will quickly huddle (as needed) in order to assess a penalty.



To ensure the integrity of Coed team play, a female player must be the operative player on offense at least once in a set of THREE plays (Set). The set only resets after three plays if a female is the operative player. If not, the set will not reset until a play goes to a female, and the offense will suffer a loss of down for each play that doesn’t go to a female player.


Play 1 goes to a female, play 2 and 3 to a male. The female requirement has been satisfied and the set resets. The next two plays (plays 1 and 2) go to a male and play 3 goes to a female. Even though four plays in between went to a male the female requirement is still satisfied, because we are in a new set.

Play 1, 2, and 3 go to a male. At the end of play 3, the ref would declare a loss of down and the next play would resume from the original line of scrimmage before play 3. The Set SHOULD NOT be reset (meaning still play 3 of the set), and the upcoming play would still need to go to a female. If the upcoming play doesn’t go to a female it would again be a loss of down, and last play of the set. This would continue until a turnover on downs.

An operative player is identified as a player who:

  • Is the QB. As QB the player must attempt to advance the ball for positive yards running or passing the ball (pass must be an attempt of at least 1 yard to gain). Note: As QB the pass must be forward, a backward lateral will not count
  • Is the intended receiver (assessed by the referee.) Note: If a pass is deemed to be intentionally thrown so that player could not attempt to catch it will not count.
  • Is the running back and must advance the ball for positive yards. Note: If the running back does not gain positive yards the play does not count as female-targeted/involved play.

A pass intended for a female player, that is deflected by a female player and caught by a male player is ruled a female play (assessed by the referee).

A pass deflected by a male player and caught by a female player is ruled a female play.

A pass caught by a male player and lateraled to a female player (who advances for positive yards) is ruled a female play. However, the female must complete 10 yards plus (as a ball carrier) to receive a 9-point touchdown to be ruled. For example, if the male player runs 20 yards and laterals to a female player who gains 10 yards and scores a touchdown, the female player will receive 9 points for a touchdown.

A targeted/involved female player is NOT defined as a player who:

  • Simply hands off the football.
  • Receives a handoff and immediately gives the ball back to a male player before crossing the line of scrimmage.

A player who stands still and does not attempt to advance the ball downfield.

The offensive team will be penalized with a loss of down if a female player is not the target/involved player at least once every three plays. If this occurs, the following play remains a female play.

It is the offense’s responsibility to track their female-targeted plays every series.  The referee may or may not acknowledge if an offensive play must be a female-targeted/involved play.


  • 6 points for all Male Touchdowns
  • Clear Path Rule: If a player slows down to allow themselves to be stopped inside of the 20 when no players are within a reasonable distance (~10 yards) they will automatically be credited with a touchdown.
  • 9 points for Female Touchdowns on or outside of the 10-yard line (Passing, Receiving, or Rushing)
  • 7 points for Female Touchdowns inside of 10-yard line (Passing, Receiving, or Rushing)
  • Teams will have distance-based options to convert point after touchdown (PAT) of 1, 2 or 3 points
  • PAT for 1pt = Ball will be placed on the five (5) yard line (Offense cannot run the ball must be a forward pass)
  • PAT for 2 pts = Ball will be placed at the ten (10) yard line
  • PAT for 3 pts = Ball will be placed at the twenty (15) yard line
  •  Female PAT scores are worth one (1) additional point 
  • If a pass is intercepted during a one (1), two (2) or three (3) point PAT attempt it may be returned by the defense for two (2) pts touchdown.Extra-point kicks (if applicable) The offense can determine whether to kick for 1, 2, or 3 points. The ball will be placed at the same yard line however the kick must be 5 yards behind the marked line.  For example, for an extra-point Kick for three (3), the kicker will kick from the 20-yard line (and beyond).  *No fake kicks are permitted*.  The defense may allow three (3) players to attempt to block the extra point from 1 yard off the line of scrimmage, however, they must jump straight up.  Female Extra-Point Kicks are worth one (1) additional point – (when applicable)
  • Field goals can be attempted at any time however, regardless of the down if missed it will end the possession. FGs are worth 3 pts
  • Female FG kicks are worth four (4) pts regardless of distance 
  • Safeties are worth two (2) pts.



No metal spikes or metal pointed cleats permitted. However, players should wear plastic cleats.


Substitute players may NOT stand on the sideline on fields that share a sideline with another field. Substitute players must remain beyond one of the end zones during these games so they do not interfere with the playing of the game or the referees.

First Downs

The offensive team shall have four (4) downs to earn another first down or score a touchdown. First downs are earned by crossing the designated first down markers in four (4) or less downs.

If the offensive team fails to earn a first down or score a touchdown, possession of the football will be given to the opposing team. Offensive teams may elect to punt/throw the ball to the opposing team on any down.

The ball will be spotted by the furthest hip. The ball is not an indication.


Fumbled balls may not be advanced. A fumbled ball will be spotted where it hit the ground. A muffed snap that is dropped is considered a fumble. Muffed snaps are ruled dead balls and the ball will be spotted where it hit the ground. 

Game Balls

Game balls must be adult or junior size. Teams may play with their own Referee inspected ball.

Shovel Passes

Shovel passes are legal forward passes.


Halftime will be five (5) minutes in length. The referee holds the right to shorten halftime if the game is running behinds it’s scheduled time to be completed.

Legal Catch

Receivers need only one (1) foot in bounds while in possession of the ball for a passing play to be considered a legal catch.

If, in the judgment of the referee, a receiver would be able to catch a pass legally but was pushed out of bounds by a defender while in the air, a completed pass will be awarded.

Receivers cannot intentionally leave the field of play and receive a catch. If they accidentally leave the field of play as determined by the referee, they may receive a catch but must re-establish their feet in bounds. This includes running out of the back of the end zone to avoid a defender. However, a player who runs out of bounds may legally catch a ball that was tipped or touched by another player.

Team line-up

Each team shall field no more than eight (8) players, with at least three (3) female players on the field. Teams unable to field a "full" team may play with a minimum of six (6) players (must have a 4-1 male: female ratio).  Teams not able to field the minimum number of six (6) players may play a "legal" game with a short-handed line-up with the consent of the opposing team's captain. The opposing team also has the right to elect to receive a forfeit win if it so desires.

Stoppage of Play

Play will continue until:

  • The ball carrier has their flags pulled 
  • The ball carrier is touched (one hand) by opposing team after losing their flags
  • The ball carrier leaves the field of play (step out of bounds)
  • The ball touches the ground as a result of a fumble or incomplete pass
  • One (1) of the ball carrier’s knees, butt, or forearms touches the ground
  • The ball carrier’s hand touches the ground (non-penalty type) and there is an opposing player approximately 1 yard or closer to the player.
  • A dead ball penalty is assessed
  • The ball carrier scores a touchdown.

Pre Snap

The quarterback, or offensive player receiving the snap, must call out a cadence and/or snap to start each play. Silent snaps are illegal. The penalty for an illegal snap is five (5) yards and a replay of the down. No forward running behind the line (Like Arena Football)


Defensive Rush

The referee is responsible for ensuring the defensive alignment is no closer than 3 yards from the offensive line of scrimmage.  

  • A Referee will count a loud “1-one-thousand, 2 one thousand, 3”. At 3, the defense can rush the quarterback. Note: The QB cannot cross the line of scrimmage until a defensive player crosses the offensive line of scrimmage.
  • Blitz: Defense may BLITZ once every 4-down series but, a defensive player MUST yell “BLITZ” before crossing the defensive line of scrimmage.
  • If there is an offensive player other than the QB in the backfield, at the snap of the ball. The defense may rush but cannot cross the offensive line of scrimmage until the referee count of “3”, or there is a change of possession from offensive players after the snap.

 Flag Belts

All players should wear a flag belt with a minimum of two flags before the start of play.

There are two types of flags: Pop off flags which have two flags and pull flags which have 3. Either can be worn at player’s preference. 

Flags must be a minimum of 2 inches in width and 14 inches in length.  Do not cut flags shorter than the previously mentioned size.

If a player is not wearing a flag belt (with flags) prior to the start of play and they possess the ball the play will be called dead at that spot.

If during active play a player loses their flag belt and they possess the ball touch rules will apply.

If a player losses a flag before or during play or a flag is pulled before possession of the ball, touch rules will apply once possession is established.

The pop flag flags must be lined up on your side next to your hips.  If flags are in the middle of your body (prior to the start of play), touch rules will apply.

If flags are moved mid-play, then the next person to touch that player will stop play.


A two (2) point safety will be awarded to the defensive team if a player from the offensive team:

  • Flags are pulled in his/her own end zone while in possession of the football, except during punt returns and interceptions.
  • Crosses the back of his/her end zone while in possession of the football 
  • Snaps the ball across the back line of his/her end zone
  • Fumbles the ball in the end zone
  • If a live ball hits the ground in the end zone

As a result of a safety, the defensive team receives two (2) points, and the offensive team must punt a "free" kick from its own forty (40) yard line.

A player having intercepted a pass or received a punt in the end zone cannot be tagged in the end zone for a safety unless he/she has previously crossed the plane of the end zone with the football and returned to the end zone in an attempt to avoid being tagged.

Onside Kicks

Onside Kicks are legal after a team score.  However, the team must be losing in points scored.  During onside kicks, the ball will be placed on the opponents 20-yard line. The offense will have 1 (one) play to score a TD.  The TD will be assessed for 5 points or they can have the ball back at the defense’s 40-yard line.  If the offense fails to convert the onside kick the opposing team will start their possession at the opponent’s 45-yard line in the opposite direction.


  • Most penalties will not award yardage but rather a free play or loss of down
  • Ball will generally go into play at the spot of the foul or the previous spot
  • Penalties will be assessed by in-game referees if any conflict arises, there will be a final determination by the on-site commissioner. If the commissioner is in the role of “player,” they must confirm the calling based on the rulebook. During this instance, the game clock will be stopped.


Illegal Contact

There is to be NO intentional contact between opposing players at the line of scrimmage or downfield, including "Bump & Run." The team of the player who initiates illegal contact will be penalized five (5) yards from the point the illegal contact was made. Note: If illegal contact is made at the line of scrimmage, the play will be replayed.

  • If the penalized player is from the offense, they will lose the down.
  • If the penalized player is from the defense the offense will be awarded an automatic first down.
  • if the penalty is called during ball advancement, the referee will call the play dead to assess.

Unintentional contact will warrant a five (5) yard penalty. Players must play the ball in the air, or pull flags, with absolutely no contact with other players.

If contact is deemed excessive by the referee, an unnecessary roughness penalty of ten (10) yards may be assessed in addition to the illegal contact penalty, thus making the penalty fifteen (15) yards. Rough play will not be tolerated and may result in an ejection from the game and/or removal from the league as judged by the Commissioner.

Unnecessary Roughness

Unnecessary roughness, such as rough-touching and grabbing jerseys, will not be tolerated. Unnecessary roughness will result in a fifteen (15) yard penalty from the point of the infraction and automatic first down. Extreme roughness may result in ejection from the game and/or league as determined by the referee and/or Commissioner. Any player trying to block a pass and hits the QB arm will be considered roughing the passer. 10-yard penalty automatic first down.  If the play was successful 10-yards added to the end of the play.

Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. Any unsportsmanlike conduct as judged by the referee will result in a ten (10) yard penalty from the point of the infraction. Unsportsmanlike conduct includes, but is not limited to, taunting, excessive arguing with the referee, a fellow player, or an opposing player, pushing, biting, scratching, fighting, excessive use of profanity, etc...

Excessive unsportsmanlike conduct is subject to suspension and/or removal from the league entirely as judged by the Commissioner. – First offense player will be suspended for half of the game depending on when the offense happened.

 Protecting the QB

The Quarterback's arm should not be hit at all.  If you are that close to the QB you should be going for their flags.  Trying to block the pass while the ball is in the QBs hand is prohibited.  If the QB’s follow through hits you while you are trying to block the pass it will be a penalty.  If the defender is hit going for flags the play will stand as is.  If penalized it will be a 5-yard penalty and automatic First Down.

Delay of Game 

The offensive team will have twenty-five (25) seconds to snap the ball after the ball has been spotted. If the offensive team does not snap the ball within twenty-five (25) seconds of the ball being spotted, it will be penalized five (5) yards for delay of game automatically. Note: Forty (40) seconds play clock after an extra-point play is scored to prepare for the ensuing kickoff. Kneeling behind the line of scrimmage or running backwards to keep the game clock running is legal and will not be penalized.

Diving/Jumping/Leaping/Hand plant

A player carrying the ball may NOT dive, jump, leap, or hand plant intentionally to gain an advantage in yard progress. If a player dives, jumps, leaps, or hand plants intentionally to gain an advantage in yard progress (first down or touchdown), the ball will be spotted where the player left his/her feet or hand touched the ground. 

Jumping to avoid contact is authorized, such as side jumps or juke moves to avoid a player is acceptable. 

The referees will assess the player’s intention. 

Illegal Forward Pass

The quarterback may not throw a forward pass once they have crossed the line of scrimmage. The penalty for an illegal pass is dead ball where the pass was thrown. There can be two forward passes behind the line of scrimmage. If a third forward pass were to occur, the ball would be marked down where the illegal pass was made. Note: There is no penalty for multiple backward laterals, behind the line of scrimmage, followed by a single forward pass.

Illegal Motion

A single player can be in motion at the time of the snap.  They cannot advance moving toward the line of scrimmage before the snap to get a running start. All motion must be lateral or backward.  If ruled an illegal motion the penalty will be assessed as offside.  See “False Start/Offside” rules for further.

False Start/Offside

An offensive player who has assumed a set position charges or moves in such a way as to simulate the start of a play, or if an offensive player who is in motion makes a sudden movement toward the line of scrimmage.  If a defensive player is positioned in front of the defensive line of scrimmage before and after the snap of the ball, a penalty of 5 yards will be assessed.  The offense can accept a penalty after play or decline to accept the result of play.

Flag Guarding

Any attempt made to stop or swat at an opposing player trying to grab flags will result in a spot foul, the play will be halted at the spot of infraction. This will be determined by referee perception.

If flag color is blended to shorts/pants color the player will be asked to switch the color of flags, if not applicable the player will automatically be considered a single touch player whenever they possess the ball. 

Note: If a player's shirt hangs lower than the flag hangs there will be no penalty for holding if the defender is attempting to grab the flag.  Hint: Tuck in long shirts if necessary.

Forced Fumbles

Any player who intentionally attempts to force a fumble will be penalized with a five (5) yard penalty.  A forced fumble occurs when the ball carrier loses the football due to the force of a defensive player. This can be a result of being hit or of having the ball stripped by a defender.  Player intention will be assessed by referees regarding forced fumble attempts.

Sleeper Play (unsportsmanlike conduct)

The "Sleeper Play," an offensive player sneaking onto the field and not joining the huddle in an attempt to run downfield without being covered by the defense, is illegal.  This includes players who line up less than approximately 18 inches from the side boundary.  The penalty for executing such a play is fifteen (15) yards from the previous spot of the ball and replay of down.


Holding an opposing player by any part of their body, including their uniform, to prevent them from making a play, is illegal. If a player holds a shirt/shorts while attempting to grab a flag and impedes the ball carrier from advancing there will be a penalty for holding and charged five (5) yards from the spot of the infraction.  The offense may decline the penalty and accept the result of the play if it wishes.  The referee will determine if the ball carrier was impeded.  Prior to the play if the ball carrier's shirt is untucked and extends over shorts and restricts the pull of the flag there will be no penalty as mentioned previously.  Note: if a defender intentionally holds a ball carrier and is determined to be the last defensive player between the carrier and end zone the referees can automatically award a touchdown*

Offensive Pass Interference

An offensive player may not interfere with a defensive player's attempt to intercept a pass. The penalty for offensive pass interference is a five (5) yard penalty from the line of scrimmage and loss of down. No Picking.  Run your routes and avoid contact.  Picks will be considered Offensive pass interference.

Defensive Pass Interference

A defensive player may not interfere with an offensive player's attempt to catch a pass. The penalty for defensive pass interference is ten (10) yards and it results in a first down being awarded. If the infraction is in the end zone, the ball will be spotted on the 1-yard line. 


There are no gender requirements for the line.  There is only one mandatory lineman (Center) once the ball is snapped the center is an eligible receiver.  No more than 4 offensive players including the QB are authorized to align behind the line of scrimmage.

 Quarterback Snaps

An offensive lineman must snap the ball toward the quarterback in order to begin each play.  The snap can be conducted between the legs, side pitch, or lateral like toss.  Quarterbacks may not snap the ball to themselves.


There is a single possession overtime in games.  Each team will start from the 20 and have a chance to score. Similar to college rules.  A coin toss determines who possesses the ball first.  After each team possesses the ball or there is a defensive, take away.  The next team to score the next point wins. If both teams possess the ball but one team scores more during their possession they will win the game.  If a team attempts and misses a Field Goal (FG) it is automatically a loss of possession.



If a quarterback is sacked, the ball is spotted where they were tagged or flag pulled.  If a QB is sacked during a female targeted/involved play the play does not constitute as a female play. The QB’s gender does not matter if sacked.  


Laterals are allowed during punt/kick returns 


A punt must be declared and announced by the referees, before it is executed.  Once declared the offense must punt, there are no fake punts.  The punting team does not have to snap the ball before punting.  All punts are open punts, as they may not be blocked. Punts may be executed by a male or female player.  The team punting the ball may not cross the line of scrimmage until the ball has been punted.  There are no minimum number of players that must be on the line of scrimmage at the time the punt is executed.

  • A caught punt is a live ball and may be returned and advanced.
  • A punted ball that touches the ground results in a dead ball and the ball will be spotted where the ball initially made contact with the ground.
  • A punt kicked through the end zone will be spotted on the ten (10) or twenty (20) yard line. Offense chooses.
  • A punt downed in the end zone by the receiving team will be spotted on the ten (10) or twenty (20) yard line. Offense chooses.
  • A punt returner can call for a fair catch; the ball cannot be advanced and will be spotted where it was caught.If a Kickoff goes out of bounds, the receiving team can elect to accept the ball to start possession on the 40 yd line or re-kick. If there is a re-kick, the kicking team will be penalized five (5) yds. If the ball is kicked out of bounds a second time, the offense will start possession on the 50-yard line.

Rule Changes

  • Set Plays - Only provide if OFFENSE asks
  • PAT - 1,2,3 -3,8,15
  • Field Goal - If inside the 20 on 4th down you have the option to play for 3 from the 3 yard line
  • Onside kicks - 2nd half only
  • Girl Play - Cannot intentionally throw the ball at a girl where she is unable to complete the pass- loss of down and no girl play awarded
  • “Gotta be” girl play defense - Only girls can play man, guys must play zone
  • Early Flag Pulls - If a flag is intentionally pulled by the defense prior to the offensive player receiving the ball, 10 yards will be added to the end of the play. 
  • Overtime (Regular Season) - One play from 3,8,15 other team has to match or beat in order to tie or win


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