About New England Youth Tackle Football Inc.

At NEYT we are devoted to the continues mental and physical development of the New England youth through football. The current COVID-19 Pandemic has affected many youth football leagues to the point that many towns and city will have no Tackle Football this fall. The health and safety of our youth takes front center for us. For this reason, we are planning on a 7 on 7 Football League for the fall of 2020. Our 7v7 League will observe the highest guidelines as recommended by the State of MA. and the CDC. Our 7v7 League will only take place if Youth Football is canceled in its entirety in the state of MA. It is our hope that we will have a tackle football season. If not, we will have a 7on7 season for HS players who wish to participate. Start making your Contingency plans.

TEAM RESERVATION IS OPEN NOW: We are looking for 12 Teams at the following Brackets 8u, 10u, 12u, 14u and High School should MIAA cancels or moves fall sports. To reserve a spot please email us NEYTFootball@gmail.com

To register your team please follow this link to National Sports ID. and click on Join League

2- Payments is not due until players added to roster.
3- There will be a scrimmage on Sunday September 13, Please email us for more information.
4- Games will be played Sundays and Saturdays Boston or Lawrence
5- Guaranteed one game a week, aiming for two.

League Information:
League: From September 12th to Nov. 21st. Games on Saturday (8 Weeks)
Games: 8 Games guaranteed, Playoffs + Championship
Locations: TBD
Roster Size: 12 to 20 Players / 1 to 3 Couches
EQUIPMENT: Mouthpiece, Cleat, Soft Shell Helmet.
Age verification: National Sports ID
Cut Off: July 31,st 2020

10U Division 8-9-10 8/1/2009 - 7/31/2012
12U Division 10-11-12 8/1/2007 - 7/31/2010
14U Division 12-13-14 8/1/2005 - 7/31/2008
A child's age on July 31 is his/her age for the season.

All High School Athletes Age 15 and above will play in the same division.

Registration Process:

No individual player registration Coaches are responsible for recruiting their team.
Please reserve a team by emailing NEYTFootball@gmail.com
You may pay via website, Cash App, PayPal or Venmo
After receiving payment for team. Each Coach is responsible for inviting players to register and to get verify by National Sports ID.
There is a charge of $10 per player paid by parents to obtain a National Sports ID.
Only fully registered teams will be added to schedule.

Past Schedules

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