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Colorado Lacrosse League
Colorado Lacrosse League
About us...
Past Schedules
Foothills Fieldhouse
Week 4 of 10
Schedule & Standings
Foothills Fieldhouse
Foothills Fieldhouse
Week 9 of 9
Schedule & Standings
Foothills Fieldhouse
Foothills Fieldhouse
Stephen C West Arena
Foothills Fieldhouse - Turf
Week 10 of 10
Colorado Lacrosse League - A
Fall 24'
Schedule & Standings
Foothills Fieldhouse
Foothills Fieldhouse
Stephen C West Arena
Foothills Fieldhouse - Turf
Week 10 of 10
Colorado Lacrosse League - B
Fall 24'
Schedule & Standings
Foothills Fieldhouse
Foothills Fieldhouse
Week 10 of 10
B - Division
Spring 24"
Schedule & Standings
Foothills Fieldhouse
Foothills Fieldhouse
Week 14 of 14
A - Division
Spring 24'
Schedule & Standings
Foothills Fieldhouse
Week 14 of 14
CILL Spring 22'
Schedule & Standings
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Event Locations
Click venue below to highlight on map and see upcoming events
Foothills Fieldhouse