(A) April/May/June 2023

# Team W L PF PA
1 12SidedGuy 12 1 48 19
2 Jadefire 9 3 44 28
3 Ranshi 9 3 41 26
4 Suicidal_Deity 7 4 38 29
5 cadstar369 4 6 29 32
6 balloonnation 3 4 19 21
7 exaltedmarauder 3 2 12 14
8 theirintheattic 3 7 28 34
9 ShelkoDeux 2 3 15 16
10 FangQuil 2 6 17 29
11 SpellPiper2213 2 7 13 30
12 jpastor 1 1 4 5
13 feralitator 0 1 0 4
14 Globert-the-Martian 0 9 17 38

sorted on wins (W) > point difference (PD) > head-to-head (H2H)

schedule shows home team (left) V away team (right)

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