River Soccer Club Summer Select 3v3 Tournament

July 20, 2024 at River Soccer Club, Frankford DE

Fast-paced gameplay:

With only three players per team on the field, the game is faster and more intense, which can help players improve pace and reaction time.

More opportunities to touch the ball:

With fewer players on the field, each player gets more opportunities to touch the ball and make an impact on the game.


3v3 soccer requires a high level of teamwork and communication. Players learn quickly to attack and defend as a unit.

Competitive atmosphere:

Tournaments are usually competitive, and the energy and excitement that comes with it can be a fun challenge for players.


Tournaments provide an opportunity to meet new people who share the same passion for soccer and make new friends.

Participating in our 3v3 soccer tournament will be a fun and memorable experience for anyone who loves soccer and enjoys the thrill of competition.


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