1) All fees must be turned in with the team roster. All players should sign the roster. Only teams that have turned in completed rosters and have paid all fees will be placed on the schedule.

2) If a team picks up a player to field a team on any given night and that player is not on their roster, that team will forfeit the game.

3) Anyone home on holiday vacation break or visiting during the holidays or any time is not allowed to play.

4) Games are governed from the Idaho High School Basketball rules unless otherwise stated.

5) A team in a playoff (not an invitation tournament or end of season tournament) must be comprised of players that have played in at least three (3) league games to be eligible.

6) A team must have four (4) players to begin a game. A 10 minute grace period will be allowed for the first game only. After that, game time is forfeit time.

7) Four time outs allowed per team per game.

8) A technical foul is five (5) minutes on the bench. Two technical fouls and the player is ejected from the game. If the player does not leave the game or gym quietly and promptly, a player could be suspended from future games. Technical fouls are personal fouls. A player that receives a total of 3 technical fouls at any time during the season will be suspended for the remainder of the season (including the tournament).

9) Game will run on (4) 9-minute quarters with the clock stopping on free throws and the last 2 minutes of each half only.

10) Any fighting will result in an ejection from the league.

11) All individuals playing in the Idaho Falls basketball program should display good sportsmanship before, during and after all games to opponents and officials. Teams with a problem player should restrain them. If not, a team game suspension could follow.

12) Teams must have a winning percentage higher than .500% to participate in the end of season single elimination tournament.

13) During tournament play a player is allowed to play only on ONE team.

14) Overtime is 3 minutes and one additional timeout.

15) Other than the rules listed above, high school rules will be used.

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